Sunday, January 26, 2020
Wavelet Packet Feature Extraction And Support Vector Machine Psychology Essay
Wavelet Packet Feature Extraction And Support Vector Machine Psychology Essay ABSTRACT- The aim of this work is an automatic classification of the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals by using statistical features extraction and support vector machine. From a real database, two sets of EEG signals are used: EEG recorded from a healthy person and from an epileptic person during epileptic seizures. Three important statistical features are computed at different sub-bands discrete wavelet and wavelet packet decomposition of EEG recordings. In this study, to select the best wavelet for our application, five wavelet basis functions are considered for processing EEG signals. After reducing the dimension of the obtained data by linear discriminant analysis and principal component analysis, feature vectors are used to model and to train the efficient support vector machine classifier. In order to show the efficiency of this approach, the statistical classification performances are evaluated, and a rate of 100% for the best classification accuracy is obtained and is compa red with those obtained in other studies for the same data set. Keywords- EEG; Discrete Wavelet Transform, Wavelet Packet Transform, Support Vector Machine, Statistical analysis, classification. 1. Introduction In neurology, the electroencephalogram (EEG) is a non-invasive test of brain function that is mostly used for the diagnosis and classification of epilepsy. The epilepsy episodes are a result of excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells. Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder of the brain that affects over 50 million people worldwide and in developing countries, three fourths of people with epilepsy may not receive the treatment they need [1]. In clinical decisions, the EEG is related to initiation of therapy to improve quality of epileptic patients life. However, EEG signals occupy a huge volume and the scoring of long-term EEG recordings by visual inspection, in order to classify epilepsy, is usually a time consuming task. Therefore, many researchers have addressed the problem of automatic detection and classification of epileptic EEG signals [2, 3]. Different studies have shown that EEG signal is a non-stationary process and non-linear features are extracted fr om brain activity recordings in order to specific signal characteristics [2, 4, 5, 6]. Then these features are used as input of classifiers [11]. Subasi in [7] used the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) coefficient of normal and epileptic EEG segments in a modular neural network called mixture of expert. For the same EEG data set, Polat and Gà ¼nes [8] used the feature reduction methods including DWT, autoregressive and discrete Fourier transform. In Subasi and Gursoy [9], the dimensionality of the DWT features was reduced using principal component analysis (PCA), independent component analysis (ICA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The resultant features were used to classify normal and epilepsy EEG signals using support vector machine. Jahankhani, Kodogiannis and Revett [10] have obtained feature vectors from EEG signals by DWT and performed the classification by multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function network. Wavelet packet transform (WPT) appears as one of most promising methods as shown by a great number of works in the literature [11] particularly for ECG signals and relatively fewer, for EEG signals. In [12], Wang, Miao and Xie used wavelet packet entropy method to extract features and K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) classifier. In this work, both DWT and WPT split non stationary EEG signals into frequency sub-bands. Then a set of statistical features such as standard deviation, energy and entropy from real database EEG recordings were computed from e ach decomposition level to represent time-frequency distribution of wavelet coefficients. LDA and PCA are applied to these various parameters allowing a data reduction. These features were used as an input to efficient SVM classifier with two discrete outputs: normal person and epileptic subject. A measure of the performances of these methods is presented. The remaining of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the data set of EEG signals used in our work. In Section 3, preliminaries are presented for immediate reference. This is followed by the step up of our experiments and the results in section 4. Finally, some concluding remarks are given in Section 5. 2. DATA SELECTION We have used the EEG data taken from the artifact free EEG time series database available at the Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn [23]. The complete dataset consists of five sets (denoted A-B-C-D-E). Each set contains100 single-channel EEG signals of 23,6s. The normal EEG data was obtained from five healthy volunteers who were in the relaxed awake state with their eyes open (set A). These signals were obtained from extra-cranially surface EEG recordings in accordance with a standardized electrode placement. Set E contains seizure activity, selected from all recording sites exhibiting ictal activity. All EEG signals were recorded with the same 128 channel amplifier system and digitized at 173.61Hz sampling. 12 bit analog-to-digital conversion and band-pass (0.53-40 Hz) filter settings were used. For a more detailed description, the reader can refer to [13]. In our study, we used set A and set E from the complete dataset. Raw EEG signal Feature extraction: Energy, Entropy and Standard deviation from DWT and WPT decom-position coefficients Dimensionality reduction by LDA and PCA Classification and Performance measure Healthy Epileptic Figure 1 The flow chart of the proposed system 3. methods The proposed method consists of three main parts: (i) statistical feature extraction from DWT and from WPT decomposition coefficients, (ii) dimensionality reduction using PCA and LDA, and (iii) EEG classification using SVM. The flow chart of the proposed method is given in figure 1. Details of the pre-processing and classification steps are examined in the following subsections. 3.1 Analysis using DWT and WPT Since the EEG is a highly non-stationary signal, it has been recently recommended the use of time-frequency domain methods [14]. Wavelet transform can be used to decompose a signal into sub-bands with low frequency (approximate coefficients) and sub-bands with high frequency (detailed coefficients) [15, 16, 17]. Under discrete wavelet transform (DWT), only approximation coefficients are decomposed iteratively by two filters and then down-sampled by 2. The first filter h[.] is a high-pass filter which is the mirror of the second low pass filter l[.]. DWT gives a left recursive binary tree structure. We processed 16 DWT coefficients. Wavelet packet transform (WPT) is an extension of DWT that gives a more informative signal analysis. By using WPT, the lower, as well as the higher frequency bands are decomposed giving a balanced tree structure. The wavelet packet transform generates a full decomposition tree, as shown in figure 2. In this work, we performed five-level wavelet packet deco mposition. The two wavelet packet orthogonal bases at a parent node (i, p) are obtained from the following recursive relationships Eq. (1) and (2), where l[n] and h[n] are low (scale) and high (wavelet) pass filter, respectively; i is the index of a subspaces depth and p is the number of subspaces [15]. The wavelet packet coefficients corresponding to the signal x(t) can be obtained from Eq. (3), l (3,0) (3,1)â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦(3,6) (3,7) h l h l h l h h l h l h l SIGNAL (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) Figure 2 Third level wavelet packet decomposition of EEG signal Table 1 gives the frequency bands for each level of WPT decomposition. Figures 3 and 4 show the fifth level wavelet packet decomposition of EEG segments, according to figure 2. We processed 32 WPT coefficients. Therefore, in this study, three statistical parameters: energy feature (En), the measure of Shannon entropy (Ent) and standard deviation (Std) are computed, (4) (5) (6) 3.2 Principal component analysis To make a classifier system more effective, we use principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction. The purpose of its implementation is to derive a small number of uncorrelated principal components from a larger set of zero-mean variables, retaining the maximum possible amount of information from the original data. Formally, the most common derivation of PCA is in terms of standardized linear projection, which maximizes the variance in the projected space [18, 19]. For a given p-dimensional data set X, the m principal axes W1,â⬠¦,Wm where 1âⰠ¤ mâⰠ¤ p, are orthogonal axes onto which the retained variance is maximum in the projected space. Generally, W1,â⬠¦,Wm can be given by the m leading eigenvectors of the sample Table1 Frequency band of each wavelet decomposition level. Decomposition level Frequency band (Hz) 1 2 3 4 5 0-86.8; 86.8-173.6 0-43.5; 43.5-86.8; 86.3-130.2 ;130.2-173.6 0-21.75; 21.75-43.5; 43.5-54.375; 54.375-86.3; 86.3-108.05; 108.05-130.2; 130.2 130.2-151.95; 151.95-173.6; 0-10.875; 10.875-21.75; 21.75-32.625; 32.625-43.5; 43.5-54.375; 54.375-65.25; 65.25-76.125; 76.125-87; 87-97.875; 97.875-108.75; 108.75-119.625; 119.625-130.5; 130.5-141.375; 141.375-152.25; 152.25-163.125; 163.125-173.6 0-5.44; 5.44-10.875; 10.875-16.31; 16.31-21.75: 21.75-27.19; 27.19-32.625; 32.625-38.06; 38.06-43.5; 43.5-48.94; 48.94-54.375; 54.375-59.81; 59.81-65.25; 65.25-70.69; 70.69-76.125; 76.125-81.56;81.56-87; 87-92.44; 92.44-97.87; 97.87-103.3; 103.3-108.75; 108.75-114.19; 114.19-119.625; 119.625-125.06; 125.06-130.5; 130.5-135.94; 135.94-141.38; 141.38-146.81; 146.81-152.25; 152.25-157.69; 157.69-163.125; 163.125-168.56; 168.56-173.6 covariance matrix where is the sample mean and N is the number of samples, so that SWi= à »iWi, where à »i is the ith largest eigenvalue of S. The m principal components of a given observation vector xi are given by the reduced feature vector . 3.3 Linear discriminant analysis Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) projects high-dimensional data onto a low-dimensional space where the data can achieve maximum class separability [19]. The aim of LDA is to create a new variable that is a combination of the original predictors, i.e. the derived features in LDA are linear combinations of the original variables, where the coefficients are from the transformation matrix i.e. LDA utilizes a transformation matrix W, which can maximizes the ratio of the between-class scatter matrix SB to the within-class scatter matrix SW, to transform the original feature vectors into lower dimensional feature space by linear transformation. The linear function y= WTx maximizes the Fisher criterion J(W) [19], where xj(i) represents the jth sample of the ith of total c classes. k is the dimension of the feature space, and à µi is the Figure 3 Fifth level wavelet packet decomposition of healthy EEG signal (set A). Figure 4 Fifth level wavelet packet decomposition of epileptic EEG signal (set E). mean of the ith class. Mi is the number of samples within classes i in total number of classes. where is the mean of the entire data set. As a dimensionality reduction method, LDA has also been adopted in this work. 3.4 SVM classifier In this work, SVM [20] has been employed as a learning algorithm due to its superior classification ability. Let n examples S={xi,yi}i=1n, yià à µ{-1,+1}, where xi represent the input vectors, yi is the class label. The decision hyperplane of SVM can be defined as (w, b); where w is a weight vector and b a bias. The optimal hyperplane can be written as, where w0 and b0 denote the optimal values of the weight vector and bias. Then, after training, test vector is classified by decision function, To find the optimum values of w and b, it is required to solve the following optimization problem: subject to where à ¾i is the slack variable, C is the user-specified penalty parameter of the error term (C>0), and Ãâ the kernel function [21]. A radial basis function (RBF) kernel defined as, was used, where ÃÆ' is kernel parameter defined by the user. 4. results and discussion Before we give the experimental results and discuss our observations, we present three performance measures used to evaluate the proposed classification method. (i) Sensitivity, represented by the true positive ratio (TPR), is defined as (ii) Specificity, represented by the true negative ratio (TNR), is given by, (iii) and average classification accuracy is defined as, (16) where FP and FN represent false positive and false negative, respectively. All the experiments in this work were undertaken over 100 segments EEG time series of 4096 samples for each class set A and set E. There were two diagnosis classes: Normal person and epileptic patient. To estimate the reliability of the proposed model, we utilize ten-fold cross validation method. The data is split into ten parts such that each part contains approximately the same proportion of class samples as in the classification dataset. Nine parts (i.e. 90%) are used for training the classifier, and the remaining part (i.e. 10%) for testing. This procedure is repeated ten times using a different part for testing in each case. As illustrated in Fig.3 and 4, feature vectors were computed from coefficient of EEG signals. Taking energy as feature vector, figure 5 shows that the features of both normal and epileptic EEG signals are mixed. The proposed analysis using wavelets was carried out using MATLAB R2011b. In literature, there is no common suggestion to select a particular wavelet. Therefore, a very important step before classifying EEG signals is to select an appropriate wavelet for our application. Then, five wavelet functions namely Daubechies, Coiflets, Biorthogonal, Symlets and Discrete Meyer wavelets are examined and compared, in order to evaluate the performance of various types of wavelets. Figure 6 shows accuracy, sensitivity and specificity from different wavelets. We see that the best wavelet giving good correct rate is the Db2, Db4, coif3 and Bior1.1.The choice of the mother wavelet is focused on daubechies where the length of the filter is 2N, while coifflet wavelet filter is 6N and biorthogonal wavelet (2N +2). After EEG signal Db2 wavelet decomposition and dimensionality reduction, results of correct rate classification are showed in Table 2. The classification accuracy varies from the optimum value (100%) to a lowest value (87%). The results using standard deviation are the best results obtained and using entropy is better than using energy in EEG signals classification. In this study, experimental results show that linear discriminant analysis based on wavelet packet decomposition improves classification and the optimum SVM results are obtained by using standard deviation feature computed from wavelet packet coefficient and LDA reduction method. For this proposed scheme, the accuracy of the classification is 100%. This method presents a novel contribution and has not yet been presented in the literature. Figure 7 shows the average rate of classification (accuracy, sensitivity, specificity) obtained with different methods of decomposition (DWT or WPT), two reduction methods (LDA or PCA) and three characteristic features (standard deviation, energy, entropy) using the four best wavelet (Db2, Db4, coif3 and Bior1.1). We see that the combination of LDA with standard deviation have an optimum average accuracy rate of 99.90% and combination of standard deviation with PCA reaches 99.50 %. Table 3 gives a summary of the accuracy results obtained by other studies from the same dataset (set A and set E) using extraction of features from EEG signal and their classification. 5. conclusion In this paper, EEG signals were decomposed into time-frequency representations using discrete wavelet transform, wavelet packet transform and statistical features were Figure 5 Energy feature vector coefficient D3versus D2 (adapted from [22]). Table 3 Epilepsy classification accuracies evaluation obtained in literature from the same data sets Authors Method Accuracy (%) [7] Subasi DWT + Mixture of Expert 94.50 [8] Polat and Gà ¼nes DWT+DFT+ Auto-regres-sive model + Decision Tree 99.32 [9] Subasi and Gursoy DWT+PCA+ LDA+ICA +SVM 98.75(PCA) 100(LDA) 99.5(ICA) [12] Wang, Miao and Xie WPT+ Entropy-hierarchical K-NN classification 99,44 [14] ÃÅ"beylà ¯ Burg autoregressive + LS-SVM 99.56 Our method WPT + Standard deviation+ LDA + SVM 100 computed to represent their distribution. The most suitable mother wavelets for feature extraction and classification were found. The selection of the suitable mother wavelet and using reduction methods lead to the improvement of performance of EEG signal classification. It has been shown by experiments that for the SVM and the combination of the standard deviation with LDA have the highest correct classification rate of 100% in comparison with other techniques. The interest in expert systems for detection and classification of epileptic EEG signal is expected to grow more and more in order to assist and strengthen the neurologist in numerous tasks, especially, to reduce the number of selection for classification performance. These promising results encourage us to continue with more depth our study and to apply it to other databases recorded with other diseases.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Business Ethics Dilemmas in ââ¬ÅItââ¬â¢s a Wonderful Lifeââ¬Â Essay
For this movement I chose to get a load of the business morals quandaries depicted in the exemplary motion picture ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s a Radiant Existenceâ⬠. In this paper I am determined to give a concise abstract of the film, give a catalogue of the prevailing elements, and quickly skim over the moral quandaries confronted by the principle elements in this film. This film was prepared and administered by Plain Capra and discharged in 1946. The story happens in a fictional town named Bedford Falls. The essential element named George Bailey was played by James Stewart. As George was acting like an adult one of his dreams was to voyage the globe and desert Bedford Falls. Nonetheless, all through the picture George is challenged with numerous choices that effect whether he is equipped to accomplish his dream of leaving Bedford Falls. Some of those are the moral quandaries that could be spelled out further in this paper. The picture achieves a climactic indicate where George examines suicide, be that as it may is recovered by a gatekeeper heavenly attendant named Clarence. As a substitute for slaughtering himself George tells Clarence that he wishes he never was conceived. Clarence shows George what Bedford Falls and exists of the individuals he knew could be like assuming that he was never born. In doing so George apprehends that he has made a positive sway in his group. MAIN CHARACTERS Following is a concise outline of the prevailing elements in this film: George Bailey: The fundamental element of the picture whose objective because he was younger was to get out of Bedford Falls and see the planet. He sees himself as being stayed in this town. Mary Bailey: Georgeââ¬â¢s wife who headed off to university but reverted home in the wake of finalizing school. She has been enamored with George following the time when she was in her early adolescents. She sees Bedford Falls as an incredible place to raise a family. Henry F. Potter: Holder of the nearby bank and a slum ruler. His objective has been to take over and close down the Manufacturing and Advance to certification that the natives of Bedford Falls need to bargain just with him when they are looking to get a home contract. Billy Bailey: Georgeââ¬â¢s uncle who in addition to Georgeââ¬â¢s father ran the ââ¬Å¾Bailey Blood mates manufacturing but Loanââ¬Å¾. He was not essentially an essential agent but as well as Georgeââ¬â¢s father he minded profoundly regarding assisting the individuals of Bedford Falls to excel. Harry Bailey: Georgeââ¬â¢s younger blood mate. George recoveries Harryââ¬â¢s existence when they were young. Harry was fit to leave Bedford Falls and run over off to university. Generally he existed the existence that George had dreamt of. Clarence: Georgeââ¬â¢s gatekeeper holy messenger who shows George how existence in Bedford Falls could have been depending on if he had never been born. Just a while later does George grasp the positive effect he has had in his group. BEDFORD FALLS BUSINESS WORLD In the picture we were presented to both negative and positive depictions of the business planet. On the negative side we saw Henry Potter who was the possessor of the nearby bank. His element acted for all that might be declared regarding the negative side of business. He was continuously in a dash and in a cranky disposition. He was concerned regarding not a soul on earth else but himself and making cash. He saw the townspeople as a route for him to amass more cash. He saw anybody else getting cash as a danger to him. He had no family to help him get a load of essence distinctively. He could not grasp why the Baileyââ¬â¢s did not dispossess mortgage holders that fell behind on their contracts. All through the motion picture he was attempting to addition control of the Bailey Blood mates assembling whatââ¬â¢s more Advance. He attempted numerous special strategies to incorporating offering George a lucrative work in which control of the assembling and advance was turned over to Potter. On the different hand the Bailey Blood mates assembling and Advance was depicted as having a positive effect in the group. They had corporate social burden as a major aspect of their business model soon after the expression was even authored. Georgeââ¬â¢s father did not capitalize on the towns people although the opening was there. He may have made an extensive product of cash on the contracts that the constructing and credit issued and the property holders could not have perceived themselves as being profited from. This is resulting from the fact that they could have still been getting a preferable bargain over they could have gotten from Potter. Truth is told; Georgeââ¬â¢s father just made enough cash to send one of his offspring to school. An additional case of the Manufacturing and Credit being depicted emphatically is when George began the lodging growth ââ¬Å"Bailey Stopâ⬠. He advertised unique homes at a moderate cost. This empowered numerous townspeople to move out of run down pads and homes that they were leasing from Mr. Potter. Indeed George Bailey made Mr. Martini, who purchased the first home in the improvement, move into his unique house. George was indicated as being authentically blissful and satisfied by having the capacity to assist the neighborhood grasp their dream of home proprietorship. ETHICAL DILEMMAS There are some indicates in this picture where the elements face moral situations where their decisions and choices will have an effect on countless individuals and the neighborhood as an entire. In this area I am determined to take what I see as several vital moral issues challenged by George Bailey, how those issues were determined and whether the best determination was made. The first dilemma I desire to center on is when the Plank for the Raising and Advance was gathering to choose what to do several months after Georgeââ¬â¢s father had expired and in the meantime George wanted to leave for university. As of right now George had been running the business then again assuming that he headed off to university there could have been not a soul on earth to run the Manufacturing and Credit. Georgeââ¬â¢s uncle Billy could have been ready; anyway the sheet did not have certainty in his capacity. Potter was on the slat and he was prodding to shut everything down Constructing and Adva nce and have its possessions turned over to his bank. The slat did not prefer to do this but they did not appear to have any individual to finally run the Raising and Advance the way they had a desire to. Meanwhile they did not prefer Potter to seize control of the business. George preferred quite much to give the individuals of Bedford Falls a spot to head off to without needing to creep and implore at Potterââ¬â¢s knees, which Potter plainly liked. The sheet voted to keep the Raising and Advance managing with the expectation that George allowed stay on as the Official Secretary. George might have effectively deserted the town behind and gone ahead to grasp his dreams. He decided on to stay back and run the Raising and Advance while his blood mate Harry headed off to school. This was the best determination, not fundamentally for Georgeââ¬â¢s private well being but for the whole group. The townspeople could have been more awful off assuming that they had Potterââ¬â¢s bank as the sole decision in town. I without a doubt accept I could have done the same thing. I could have been more concerned concerning the life span of my familyââ¬â¢s business that has a positive effect than my particular short term objectives. The next difficulty that I need to take a gander at is when there was a run on the bank as George but Mary were leaving town for their wedding trip. Right now the bank had brought in the credit issued to the Manufacturing and Credit. Georgeââ¬â¢s uncle Billy was compelled to make the installment which drained all their money. He bolted the front entryway which made clients apprehensive. When George grasped what was going ahead he headed off to the Fabricating and Advance, opened the gateways into bargain with this emergency. Clients were going in mandating that they be capable allowed access to their cash. Some felt the need to withdraw all their trusts. Unfortunately the Baileys did not have any money to furnish their clients. There trust was to shut everything down six days while they displaced their stores. As this was going ahead word got out that Potter could pay the Baileyââ¬â¢s clients 50 pennies on the dollar provided that they surrendered their stakes to him. This was clearly an alternate one sample of Potter misusing a chance to addition control of the manufacturing and credit. The Baileys preferred to stay away from this if whatsoever plausible. Georgeââ¬â¢s wife Mary kept up the money that they had set aside for their vacation and offered to give enough to blanket the clients requirements until things settled down. The Baileys were ready to give enough money to fulfill their clients. They were down to two dollars when the final client left and the day was finished. The Baileys again made what I think was the right choice. George again set the necessities of the group beyond his particular. He may have effortlessly let most living breathing souls gain installments from Potter, in any case they could have been more awful off by getting just part of what they saved. It could be demanding to put myself in this scenario on the grounds that banks and different budgetary establishments have store protection. I accept I could have done the same thing. I could not have any situation putting off my vacation to recovery the family business. There could be an opportunity to have that getaway at a later time. The third dilemma I want to look at is when Georgeââ¬â¢s uncle Billy lost the $8,000.00 store on Christmas Eve. In this scenario Billy is being preoccupied and erroneously blends the store with a daily paper that he shows to Potter. He does this on the grounds that he is animated concerning an article demonstrating that Harry Bailey has gained the Congressional Decoration of Respect. Potter does discover the cash and he knows that its the store that Billy has lost. As an alternate option of doing the right thing and giving the cash back he looks at Billy freeze and sees an alternate one chance to seize control of the Constructing and Advance. This hopefully happens in the meantime that a bank inspector appears to review the Constructing and Loanââ¬â¢s records. Assuming that the analyst was not there they might have purchased some chance to track down what had genuinely happened to the store. Rather George frenzies and he turns to the sole individual he learns about can get him of this scenario, Potter. At no focus does George place the rebuke with Billy. He is eager to take the fall for loosing the cash. This is enticing as he chats with Potter, on account of Potter knows that it was Billy who lost the store. Potter consents to advance George the cash provided that he furnishes some sort of security. The sole security George has is a life coverage strategy that has a $15,000 demise profit. As of right now Potter states to George that he is preferable off dead. George still sees himself in a no win scenario. In the wake of set up to the neighborhood bar and getting plastered he stumbles out on to a scaffold where is truly near bouncing off and slaughtering himself. This is where George meets the watchman holy messenger Clarence and George lets him know that he detests his existence and that he wishes he was never conceived. Clarence sees this as an opening to show George that he has had an effect in Bedford Falls. When George sees that the town could be more awful off without him he wishes for his essence back. As this is going ahead word gets out concerning the scenario that George is in. After George returns home to his wife and family the folks of Bedford Falls appear at his doorstep carrying cash to assist the Baileys blanket the missing store. George unquestionably made the right determination here. No scenario is urgent enough to defend slaughtering yourself. There is constantly somebody that you can turn to. Resulting from the fact that he had put the communityââ¬â¢s requirements ahead of his particular for so extended the individuals of Bedford Falls did not falter to go to his support. I donââ¬â¢t think the same could be stated if Potter was in this scenario. I am not certain depending on if I could have done the same thing as George here. I could have approached with the real truth that the store was lost by Billy. Additionally, at no focus could I have scrutinized suicide. No scenario is urgent enough to advocate murdering yourself. OTHER SCENARIOS One different moral quandary that I saw at an opportune time was when the possessor of the drugstore, Mr. Gower, erroneously put toxin in a solution while he was inebriated. George may have effectively looked the different way or told another person what had happened. As an alternate option he sharp out to Mr. Gower, who from the beginning was incensed but in the wake of grasping what happened was appreciative to George. A different one was when Potter offered George a particularly lucrative work chance at the bank as extended as George turned over control of the Manufacturing and Advance to Potter. Although George could have been improved off fiscally he picked not to take the work. The final one I need to indicate is when Potter identified that Billy had erroneously intermingled the $8,000 store in with the daily paper he gave to Potter. Potter might as well have done the right thing and gave back where its due to the Baileys. Alternately he saw a different chance for his particular private addition. SUMMARY Even though its viewed as a feel great siesta motion picture, this picture offers a phenomenal opening to test distinctive moral problems that face minor business managers in modest towns. It demonstrates that specialties in minor towns are confronted with determinations that effect either in a positive or a negative way folks who are their companions and neighbors. To run with that as a business manager we should not plainly see the effect we have on individuals exists, we do actually make a divergence in numerous individuals exists. This might be negative as perceived when George was demonstrated a Bedford Falls where Potter had his direction or it might be positive as George apprehended when he saw the elective to him not being there. George Bailey demonstrated that a modest business might be promising admitting that the holder does not get rich financially but get rich in different ways.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Get the Scoop on Missing on Superstition Mountain Essay Topics Before Youre Too Late
Get the Scoop on Missing on Superstition Mountain Essay Topics Before You're Too Late The black cat is renowned for most. If a couple's very first sight of one another is their reflections in a mirror they'll have a joyful marriage. The boys lie to their parents as a way to attempt to fix a mystery. The one thing they may be sure of is these kids are undoubtedly going back up that mountain, just as soon as they may determine ways to get away with it. While rain generally is rare, there's always the chance of rain, so adequate raingear is essential, even within this arid landscape. Usually, the weather is nice. This other visitor proved to be a fine surprise. Or you can construct your own temple and hunt for treasure. I chose to use one of my favored techniques when confronted with a spot where a slip or a fall would mess up your day. He drew it from in the bag. Things You Should Know About Missing on Superstition Mountain Essay Topics When ready, return the way that you came. Secondly, there are lots of spooky things that appear to happen within this place! It appears that the only men and women who don't wish to charge for search and rescue are those who go out there and execute the rescues,'' Bremson explained. If I could, I would not ever speak about this experience ever again, not even consider it. If you're on the lookout for a wild-west-wilderness experience, look no more. Amazing lesson for honing those crucial thinking abilities! Please be respectful of individuals who live in the region by keeping music and voices at a very low volume. When many individuals appear to lack the vision of a genuinely superior future, the authors of this assortment of essays think that it is the right time to produce the case for a more positive attitude to the future a future that's made better through science. Several mines are claimed to be the true mine that Waltz discovered, but not one of those claims are verified. Here are places to start. 13's association with poor luck is the easy, unavoidable truth it exceeds a comprehensive number by just one. They are lacking skills that's the reason why there are no business hires them. The change, nevertheless, is gradual. View the total Flickr account. People might not be well-equipped, they might not be experienced. Animals are fantastic sources of superstition. We must do our very best to remove all superstitions and make certain real improvement of the nation. Truth or legend, these mountains appear to be no joke! One of the main discoveries was that those who believe that chance and fate control their lives are somewhat more likely to be superstitious. Davies believes that superstition has some kind of unmentioned hook together with all of us. Superstitions have been part of our everyday life since the outset of time. They are the result of storytelling, making them an excellent foundation for a story. They can be beneficial to the people who have them because they can make the people act like they would not normally act whether they want to or not. Examine the forecast prior to going. But because temperatures have a tendency to be milder during winter, the Superstition area is among the very best places Tonto National Forest rangers recommend for hiking during winter. The busy Peralta Trailhead is a fantastic starting point to locate a hike. This made the hike feel a little more exciting. That is something I miss about Upper Peninsula hikes. Peralta Trailhead This is among the most popular and easily accessible trailhead places.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Mental Health and Cyberbullying - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1294 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Bullying Essay Cyber Bullying Essay Did you like this example? Education and mental illness, two very different but prominent aspects of our society today. But, they might not be so different after all. In todayââ¬â¢s society we are seeing an increase in both of these areas especially in the teenage age range. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Mental Health and Cyberbullying" essay for you Create order Today, mental illness is the second leading disability in our world. A study performed in 2017 showed that 7.4% of youth in the United States were experiencing severe depression, this may not sound like a large part of our society but it truly is when we are thinking about this being the children of our world. Then, put it into a greater perspective when you connect it with this astonishing fact. In 1999, when homeschooling was not as prominent, approximately 850,000 students in America were being homeschooled, 1.7% of total students. By 2012, this number jumped to 1.77 million students being homeschooled, this equaling to 3.4% of all students in the United States where to this day that number continues to stay right around. If 3.4% of students country-wide is equal to 1.77 million students, weââ¬â¢re looking at close to 4 million children/teenagers dealing with mental illness in just the United States. So now you may be wondering how the two are exactly connected, and that is what I am here to further explore. Is there a connection between the two, and if so what kind of connection? What I wanted to look deeper into was the overall amount of children/teenagers in schooling dealing with mental illness. Then my next question to look further into was, are the children developing these mental illnesses possibly developing these mental illnesses because of the form of education they are getting? So I decided I would to compare the mental illness statistics in public education and in homeschooling. The common association with school in general is that perhaps you have to actually like it and be a good student to be able to enjoy it, right? It makes sense, if a student struggles to enjoy what they are learning and struggles with the actual material, they are less likely to be happy at least in school. From what studies have shown, the less connected the students are to being at school and in the classroom (in public education), the more likely they are to go down the wrong path either with mental illness, substance abuse, or not finishing their high school career. This means children/teens may dread having to wake up on those school days, which then turns into an eventual hate for going to school every day. These are all starting issues eventually lead to depression in these children/young teenagers. These issues are not new, however, there have always been students who have hated school. So then why is this generation making a jump in the mental illness area? ââ¬Å"Behavioral health has become a public health crisis. No other public health crises are as widespread or contribute as much to the burden of illness in the U.S. as do behavioral health disorders. By 2020, mental and substance use disorders will surpass all physical diseases worldwide as major causes of disability.â⬠The answer to all of this? Technology. To some this may come as a surprise, but to me and Iââ¬â¢m sure most of todayââ¬â¢s society, it all makes sense. Today teens are using technology more than ever, especially because it is an ever-growing part of our society. The issue is that they rely on it too heavily, and studies have begun to show the drop in face to face social interaction between teenagers and their friends dropping noticeably after 2011. Thinking back to the time of 2011, smartphones were really making their big break out into the popularity of our society at the time, and because of this it was easier than ever for students to communicate with each other without actually hanging out, it was simpler, they relied on it too heavily and it created social and mental issues within these teens inside the school environment. This then leads into the increase in homeschooling today. Children/teenagers who are regularly feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed in high school often feel homeschooling is the safer route for them to take, and if they do not feel this way, their parents do strongly. Of course, there are other reasons for parents to want their children homeschooled, for example, if they do not agree with the material being taugh t, or if they do not think it is safe to send their child to a public education system. I have found that public education is actively causing mental illness, but this does not necessarily mean that homeschooling is the answer and that public education is to be blamed solely for mental illness in children and teens. So after successfully finding that public education can cause these problems, I started to look into the statistics of homeschooling. I quickly found that I would not be able to clearly answer my question on whether one is causing mental illnesses more than the other. When looking into mental illness tied to homeschooling, what I found is that it is not just tied to the homeschooling, but to the community these students are being homeschooled in. Statistically, many areas that are high in the homeschooling practice are of Christian faith, more conservative, religious, regions. Many may wonder why, but it has been proven statistically that actively practicing Christians are at a higher risk of developing these mental illnesses. Why, you may ask? The answer is simply for the reason that it has been found that the practicing conservative Christians do not take the time to actively practice and acknowledge the idea and importance of mental illness. This includes the overall education of mental illness as well as the importance of speaking about personal mental health issues. Due to this, these students are more prone to developing these disabilities because they do not know how to properly handle them. Society in general has created this stigma over time assuming that if we do not talk about mental illness it will simply go away, and this practice is even more prominent for those a part of the conservative Christian practice. This is because of their overall practice with faith, and in the most severe of these practices they often do not believe in taking medications that would alter the way your brain works or your emotions are controlled. In most cases, they actually find taking these medications to be a sin against God and their faith. In fact, 41% of Christians questioned by a Baylor University study said that they were told by someone in their Christian practice that their mental illness was not real. Going into this topic, I expected to come out finding a strong, solid answer that homeschooling is causing mental illness more so than the public education system due to the lack of socialization skills caused through the practice. To me, it seemed like a simple answer, homeschooled children are not surrounded by other children daily therefore they do not have the opportunity to practice their socialization skills. But instead, I actually found quite the opposite. I can not stand firmly and say that one form of education is causing mental illness than the other because there is research proving that both do quite frequently. However, from what I have gathered through this process the public education system seems to link closer to mental illness disabilities more so than homeschooling. This may be because there is more research done on public education, or if it is the opposite and there just is not enough research on homeschooling children. Either way, this growing issue of mental i llness within education of children and teenagers is its own issue that needs to be worked on in todayââ¬â¢s society.
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